Daveland Photography

Use the drop down letters below to access specific photo topics/pages, which also include my vintage images.

HIRING ME FOR A SHOOT Every project is different depending upon the concept, location, and number of people. I offer fair prices to my clients and discounted rates for non-profits that I feel my services could benefit. All photography is done on location (interior/exterior), as it provides a more meaningful result than something artificially contrived in a studio. Want something more than a cheap $50 half-hour shoot? Email me!

PHOTO PRINTs Most photos on my site are available for purchase, printed in a lab on photographic paper. Rare vintage photos may cost more while some can't be reproduced due to copyright restrictions; email me the url/name of the photo(s) you are interested in for a quote.

Academy Museum

Ace Hotel (Palm Springs) 1/16

Action Figures 6/3

The Alamo

Alcatraz State Prison

Irwin Allen Productions

Woody Allen

Ambassador Hotel 2/25

Anabella Hotel (Anaheim)


Anaheim Hilton & Convention Ctr.

Angels Flight Railway

Ann-Margret 5/24

Anza-Borrego Desert

Apple Pan Restaurant

Argyle Hotel (see Sunset Tower Hotel)

Aria Hotel

Arizona Biltmore Hotel

Armstrong Redwoods

Asheville, N.C.


Mary Astor

Atlanta, GA 10/20

Atlanta History Center, 10/20

Austin, TX 3/12

“Back Street,” 1961

Balboa Park, CA 1/11

The Balboa Theatre, San Diego


The Barnes Foundation

The Barnsdall Art Park

Barnstow, CA

Batchelder House

Batman (60’s TV Series) 6/14

Beaufort, South Carolina

Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas

Beringer Winery


Beverly Hills, CA 2/27

Billboard Awards, 2001

Biltmore Estate, Asheville

Biltmore Hotel, L.A.

Bird Cage Theatre

Bloomington, IN

"The Blue Bird" (1940) 1/1

Boathouse Row, Philadelphia

Bodega Bay Area

Bonaventure Cemetery

Boston 11/9

Bourbon St.

The Bradbury Building

Brandywine, PA 11/12

“Breaking Away” (1978

“Breathless” (1983)


Broughton St.

The Brown Derby

Buckhead, 10/20

Busch Gardens (see Cypress Gardens)

Cabazon Dinosaurs

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas

Calhoun Square

Calico Ghost Town

California Adventure, CA

1935 California Exposition 9/17

Calistoga, CA

Cambria, CA

Cannery Row

Canterbury Hotel (Indianapolis)

Cape Cod

Capri, Italy

Carlsbad (see North County)


Carneys on Sunset 12/27

Carthay Circle Theatre

Catalina Island, CA 8/3

Cedros Shopping District

Cemeteries 4/29

Central Park 9/14

Century City

Chamberlain HOTEL

Charlie Chaplin 7/4

Charleston, SC

Chateau Marmont 3/3

Chateau Marmont Rooms 2/27

Chateau Marmont Bungalows/Cottages 3/3

Chicago, IL

Chinatown (L.A.)

Chippewa Square

A Christmas Story House

Chrysler Building

Ciro's/Comedy Store 12/27


Clifton’s Brookdale Cafeteria

Cocoanut Grove Nightclub

Coit Tower

Colonial Cemetery

Colony Hotel

Colony Palms Hotel 1/18

Colonial Hotel12/13

Colorado Blvd. Bridge

Columbia State Park

Robert Conrad

The Conspirator


Coronado (see Hotel del Coronado)

Cosmopolitan Las Vegas

Courtyard Thematic District 5/18

Cowles Mountain

Joan Crawford 5/18

Crescent Hotel (Beverly Hills)

Crossroads of the World

Cyclorama, 10/20

Cypress & Busch Gardens

Culver City


Dan Tana's 5/28

Doris Day 5/18

Dean, James 2/1

Dearly Departed Museum

Del Mar

John Derek

Desert View Tower (San Diego) 11/21

de Young Museum


Disney movies

Disney World, FL

Dolls 9/27

The Doo Wop Project

Downton Abbey: The Exhibition

Doylestown, PA

Driskill Hotel

El Capitan Theater

El Cortez Hotel (Las Vegas)

El Cortez Hotel (San Diego)

Ellis Island 9/14

El Mirador Apartments 12/27

El Mirador Hotel, Palm Springs 2/9

Encinitas (See North County)


Ennis House


Esherick, Wharton Studio

Fairmont Hotel

Fairmount, IN 9/30


Farmer’s Daughter Hotel

Farmer's Market/The Grove

Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour

Alice Faye 7/19

Ferndell at Griffith Park

W.C. Fields

Figueroa Hotel

Film Locations 5/9

Fitness Photos

Florence, Italy

Formosa Cafe

Forsyth Park

Fountain Square (Indy)

Fox Studios

Fox Theater, Atlanta

Freeman House

Fremont Street

French Lick, IN

Ed Fury

Gamble House

Garden of Allah Hotel

Judy Garland 1/19

Gene Marshall (see Dolls)

Georgian Hotel

Georgian Terrace Hotel 10/20



"Gone with The Wind" photos 2/27

Gone with The Wind Dolls 1/23


Grand Canyon

Grand Central Station, NYC

Grand Central Terminal, Glendale

Grapevine, Texas

Grand Rapids

Grauman’s Chinese Theater 6/22

Grease (1978 movie)

Great Adventure

Greenville, SC

The Grey Restaurant

Griffith Park/Observatory 2/24

Grove/Farmer's Market


The Guggenheim

Hancock Park 12/29

Hamilton-Turner Inn

Jean Harlow 7/27

Hawaii 4/7

Hearst Castle

Tippi Hedren

Heritage Park

Hermosa Beach

Hershey, PA 11/12

Jim Henson Company Studio 12/27

Jon-Erik Hexum

The High Tower 12/28


Alfred Hitchcock

Hob Nob Hill Restaurant 3/1

Hollyhock House

Hollywood, CA 9/13

The Hollywood Bowl

Hollywood Boulevard 2/11

Hollywood Canteen

Hollywood Forever

Hollywood Heritage Museum 6/11

Hollywood High School

Hollywood Movie Tours

Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel 8/3

Hollywood Sign

Hoover Dam

Hotels 12/28

Hotel Menage

Hotel del Coronado

Howard Johnson Hotel 1/10

Rock Hudson

Huntington Beach 1/6

Hywet Hall

I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy dolls (see Dolls)

Imperial Beach

Independence Hall

Indiana University (see Bloomington)


Indian Canyons

Indian Springs Resort, CA


It's A Wonderful Life'

Jackson Square (New Orleans)

Johnson Square (Savannah)

Joshua Tree 1/26

Judson Studios

Jungle Cruise (Disneyland)

Julian (California)

Gene Kelly 2/21

Kenneth Kendall

Kent State University

Key West, FL

Knotts Berry Farm (2 pages)

Korakia Pension 6/15


Lady Chablis/Club One

Lafayette Hotel and Club 3/5

Lafayette Square

Laguna Beach

La Jolla, CA

Las Vegas 3/29

La Valencia Hotel

La Verne, CA


Legion of Honor Art Museum


Janet Leigh

Vivien Leigh

Lemon Grove, CA

Leopold's (Savannah)

Liberty St. (Savannah) 6/14

Little Church of the West

Little Italy (San Diego) 4/2

Live Steamers at Griffith Park

The Lodge, Torrey Pines 12/13

Long Beach, CA

Los Altos Hotel & Apts.

Los Angeles 2/24

Los Angeles County Arboretum

LA River

"Lost in Space" 1/1

Lucas Theatre

Mackinac Island 7/9

Madame Tussaud’s

The Magic Castle 12/27

Magic Castle Hotel

The Main Line, PA


Mandalay Bay Hotel

Jayne Mansfield 2/7

Mansion on Forsyth

Marineland, CA

Marion, IN

Marshall House

Marston House

Steve Martin 3/8

Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

The Marx Brothers

Massachusetts Ave. (Indy)

Mayflower Park Hotel

Melrose Avenue 5/28

Meow Wolf Art Complex

Memphis, TN 1/21

Mercer House

MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas

MGM Studio

Miami, Florida


Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil

Millard House

Million Dollar Theater (LA)

Milwaukee, WI

Miraval Arizona

Mission Beach, CA 11/12

Mission Hills, CA 3/2

Mission Inn, CA

Mission Carmel Basilica

Mission Dolores

Mission San Diego

Mission San Juan Capistrano

Mission Santa Barbara

Marilyn Monroe 1/3

Marilyn Monroe Dolls (see Dolls)

Monterey, California

Monterey Square, Savannah

Monticello 5/20

Mount Rubidoux

Mount Vernon

Movie Colony Hotel 5/3

Movieland Wax Museum

Movie Palaces 11/14

Movies & TV 1/8

Mulberry Inn, Savannah

Murfreesboro, TN

Muscle Beach

Museum of Neon Art

Musso & Frank Grill 5/1

Napa Valley, CA

Nashville, TN

Naples, Italy

National Constitution Center

Neon Museum Boneyard Las Vegas

New Mexico Museum of Art

New Orleans 5/28

New Orleans Athletic Club

New Orleans City Park

New Orleans: Vintage

New York City 9/14

1964 NY World's Fair

Richard Nixon/Nixon Library

North County (San Diego)

North Hollywood 5/9

North Park 10/7

Oak Park, IL

Oceana Hotel (Santa Monica)

Ocean Beach


Old Faithful Geyser, Calistoga

Old Town, San Diego

Omni La Costa Resort


Orange County


Orpheum Theater 11/14

Pacific Beach 11/12

Palace of Fine Arts

Palmetto Bluff Resort

Palm Springs & Palm Desert 2/9

Pantages Theater

Paramount Pictures

The Parent Trap (1961)

Paris Hotel, Las Vegas

Parker Hotel

Pasadena 11/29

Paso Robles, CA

Peabody Hotel

Pearl Harbor 12/9

Pee Wee Herman 4/20

Pet Portraits

Phantom of the Opera (Vegas)

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Phillies

Pink House Restaurant

Pink Taco/Miyagi's/Players' 12/27

Pioneertown, CA


Plymouth, MA

Point Loma, CA

Pompeii, Italy



The Presidio

Elvis Presley 1/21

The Queen Mary

Ravello (Italy)

Red Rock Canyon 11/20

Steve Reeves

Burt Reynolds

Reynolds Square 7/4

Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Joan Rivers

Richmond, VA

Riverside, CA

Riviera Resort & Spa 2/11

Robie House

“The Rocketeer” (1991)

Rome, Italy

Roosevelt Hotel (New Orleans)

Royal Street

Runyon Canyon

St. John's Cathedral (Savannah)

St. Louis Cemetery

St. Louis, MO 7/29

Salem, MA

San Antonio, TX

Salton Sea

San Diego 3/1

San Diego Padres

San Diego State University

San Diego Zoo

San Francisco, CA

San Juan Capistrano, CA

San Luis Obispo, CA

San Simeon, CA

Santa Ana

Santa Barbara/Solvang 1/10

Santa Fe

Santa Fe Train Station

Santa Monica, CA 2/21

Santa Monica History Museum

Santa Rosa

Santa's Village

Savannah, GA 2/19

Schindler House

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Seattle, WA

Sea World


Self-Realization Fellowship

Sex and the City

Shambala Preserve (see Hedren, Tippi)

Shrine Auditorium (LA)

Silver Oak Winery

Solana Beach (see North County)

Solstice Canyon

Sonoma County Area

Sony Pictures Studio

Sorrento, Italy

South Carolina

South Congress Hotel

South Park, San Diego 2/11

Sowden House

Standard Hotel (Weho) 12/28

Star of Indiana

Statue of Liberty 9/14

Stillwater, MN



Sun Studios

Sunset Boulevard 1/11

Sunset Marquis Hotel

Sunset Tower Hotel 12/27

Tail O' the Pup 12/27

Taliesin West

Telfair Square

Temecula Wine Country, CA

Shirley Temple 1929-1935 2/17

Shirley Temple 1935-1939 2/25

Shirley Temple 1940 2/25

Shirley Temple 1941-1949 3/7

Shirley Temple 1950-2014 2/5

Shirley Temple Birthdays

Shirley Temple at the Oscars1/4

Shirley Temple Homes 2/25

Shirley Temple at the Holidays 2/25

Shirley Temple in Hawaii 3/7

Shirley Temple dolls 3/7

Thompson Beverly Hills Hotel

Titanic (1997)

Titanic exhibits

Torrey Pines

Travel Town at Griffith Park

Troup Square

Kathleen Turner 6/21

Lana Turner

Two Bunch Palms

Tybee Island

Union Station (Indy)

Union Station (LA) 8/11

Universal Studios 6/14

University Heights

University of PA


US Grant Hotel, San Diego 5/12

Valley Forge

Vasquez Rocks

The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas

Venice Beach 2/21

Villa Montezuma

Villa Royale Inn

The Viper Room 9/13


W Hotel

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NYC

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Walt Disney Family Museum

Warner Brothers Studio

Watts Tower

West Baden Springs Hotel

West Hollywood 12/27

Western Reserve Regional Museum

Westin St. Francis

Westin Pasadena



Whaley House


Williams, Arizona


Wilshire Boulevard 2/25

Witch's/Spadena House

Frank Lloyd Wright

Andrew Wyeth Studio


Jane Wyman